How to contact us
Here at Classic Carburettors we love what we do to help you keep your pride and joy on the road. We're a husband & wife team who work full-time, which means we can only respond to your questions after hours or on weekends. We believe that its our customer service and willingness to help you track down that obscure, had to get part that sets us apart from the mass-market. So while we may not be able to answer your calls straight away, we can guarantee we will always respond. If you can't find exactly what you need on our store, or have a question, then here's how to reach us.
- Send an email to Please include as much detail as you can about the nature of your enquiry. If you have photos of a fuel pump or carburettor you need parts for, then please include them. Don't forget to include your contact details so we can get back to you. If you're happy for me to give you a call in the evening or on a weekend, please let me know.
- Send a text message to 0408153514 with the same sort of information outlined above.
- Call Darren on 0408153514. If it's during business hours, it's unlikely I'll be able to answer, so leave a short message. Let's be honest though, voicemail is a painful for us both, and the least likely to get a message across quickly. Use it if you have to, but it is my lowest priority.
I don't recommend using the "contact us" section below - its flakey and messages often do not get through. Clearly something is broken, and I simply don't have the time to fix it. Use the email or text info above - they're the most reliable way of getting in touch!
Because we're an online-only store, we don't live in a major city, and we have day jobs, we're sorry but were simply not available for you to drop around and pick up your parts. We do however drop orders at the Post Office every day, and frankly Australia Post have been doing an awesome job lately, so there's every chance that next-day or the day after you'll have your order.
Contact Us
Our Location

3 Morundah St
Cooma NSW 2630